
Profile and accesment tools for recruitment

"Our tools provide you with insights into the candidate's job-related behavior based on data, giving you a foundation for decision-making and increasing the likelihood of selecting employees in your recruitment process who will remain motivated and excel in the job."

Gain insights into our recruitment tools

For the recruitment of new employees and leaders, we recommend the profile and assessment tools: e-interpersonal, e-fivefactor, and IQ Potential


A professional and nuanced profile

If you are familiar with DISC, you will recognize many elements in the e-interpersonal profile. At the same time, you will find that the reports are significantly more in-depth and easier to apply in practice.

In addition to the primary behavior patterns in four colors, the profile also reveals eight facets. This provides considerably more nuances and greater depth to the tool in a recruitment context.


A detailed and reliable personality test

e-fivefactor is our most in-depth personality test, covering up to 30 personality traits.

The profile reveals the fundamental personality traits and drivers with in-depth descriptions. Therefore, e-fivefactor is well-suited for recruitment at the leadership and specialist levels.

IQ Potential

Afdækning af IQ og kognitive færdigheder

IQ Potential er et værktøj, der afdækker det intelligensmæssige element af en persons potentiale for at præstere i en stilling eller i forhold til en specifik opgave.

Med IQ Potential har du mulighed for både at afdække g-faktor og kognitive færdigheder - du tilpasser selv opgavesæt i forhold til den specifikke stilling. 


It is expensive to hire the wrong candidate!

When an employee is a good fit for the job, they perform better, leading to improved results for the company. At the same time, a poor match between an employee and their job can consume valuable company resources.

Achieving the ideal job-employee match requires an efficient and structured recruitment process. With e-stimate, you gain access to a robust set of profiles and assessment tools that you can utilize for recruitment at all levels, all through a single certification.

With a certification you get

  • – Access to all profile and assessment tools

  • – Your own online account – GDPR compliant

  • – A cost-effective solution – pay only for usage

  • – Access to supplementary process materials

  • – Access to our workshops and conferences

How to become certified

Module 1: Self-study and online attendance

Module 2: Course day in Ballerup or Skanderborg (DK)

Modul 3: Practice for one month and examination

You can also take a look at...

e-interpersonal profilen

En professionel personprofil til udvikling og rekruttering​

visning af e-interpersonal Testværktøjer e-stimate

Med e-interpersonal profilen får du en professionel personprofil til markedets bedste pris.

e-interpersonal profilen er ideel til:​

Rekruttering på operationelt niveau

Som dialogværktøj i rekruttering




Rapporten indeholder

Rapporten indeholder:



Arbejdsmæssig adfærd

Grafiske fremstillinger



e-fivefactor profilen

En dybdegående personlighedstest til rekruttering og udvikling​

e fivefactor e stimate

Med e-fivefactor profilen får du en professionel personlighedstest til markedets bedste pris.

e-fivefactor profilen tager afsæt i den mest internationalt anerkendte og videnskabeligt dokumenterede model for personlighedstræk - Big Five.

e-fivefactor profilen er ideel til:​

Rekruttering af ledere og kernemedarbejdere

Udvikling af ledere og kernemedarbejdere

Afdækning af succesfaktorer

Identificering af risikofaktorer

Indsigt i evt. skyggesider

Rapporten indeholder

Rapporten indeholder:

Personlighedens fem hovedfaktorer

30 personlighedstræk

Adfærd under pres




IQ Potential​

Afdækning af IQ og kognitive færdigheder - målrettet rekruttering

IQ Potential Testværktøjer e stimate

Med IQ Potential får du en professionel intelligens- og færdighedstest til markedets bedste pris.

IQ Potential er ideel til:

Rekruttering af ledere og specialister​

Taktisk og strategisk niveau​

Stillinger med kompleksitet​

Afdækning af intelligens​

Afdækning af færdigheder

Rapporten indeholder

Rapporten indeholder:

Samlet resultat

Abstrakt ræssonoment

Numerisk ræssonoment

Aritmetiske færdigheder

Verbale færdigheder