Sign up

International Certification (in English)

You sign up for the certification by filling in the form to the right. You will then receive a confirmation e-mail with some practical information about the next steps in the certification.

You sign up for the certification by filling in the form to the right. You will then receive a confirmation e-mail with some practical information about the next steps in the certification.


Meeting Times

Optional sessions


Note: The price includes training profiles, individual support, and coaching with your instructor during the training period.

Fill out the form with your information and click “Sign Up.”

I accept the terms

*Conditions: By signing up, you accept the conditions and accept that e-stimate can send me information about this event per mail and process my personal data in accordance with their terms for the processing of personal data. Consent can always be withdrawn by contacting us.

Read our privacy policy here

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"We switched to e-stimate because their concept is solidly founded, but also because it creates a supportive framework for conversation—something that is crucial for a successful development process."
Specialistmodul i medarbejder  og lederudvikling  Piet Juul Birch
Piet Juul Birch
Director and Partner, Marselisborg Consulting

Certification Process

Below you can see how a certification in e-stimate’s profile and assessment tools progresses

Sign Up

The process begins when you click 'Sign Up' after completing the registration form.


Upon registration, you will receive your digital e-academy certification materials, which include videos, links to articles, and other relevant materials.

The material covers the content of a traditional course day – and since this part is self-study, you can manage when it suits you best to go through the material.

Training Period

As part of the certification, there is a hands-on training period where you must complete a minimum number of profile handovers.

Note: The profiles for training are included in the price, as well as individual support and coaching with your instructor.

Completion of Certification

Your certification concludes with a digital self-test, and you will receive your certificate once the test is passed.

As a certified e-stimate consultant, you will have unlimited access to all profile and assessment tools, as well as process materials on our platform.

Where is the specialization held?


Online – Zoom link will be sent after registration


Do you have any questions?

Fill out the form below, and we will contact you as soon as possible!

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